We recently had a blog post about memories of things at Pine Bluff. Although 2003 seems like a lifetime ago for me, (literally the year I was born). I know for a lot of you it was only a blink of an eye. In that short blink, I have somehow grown into the adult that I am today, but not without the constant learning that Pine Bluff has given me over the years. This pool has seen everything from my first scraped knee, (running is fun, what can I say?!) to my first job as a teenager, to driving, to a college send off. My mom purchased a membership here after hearing good things from the community and wanting her child to grow up around a pool and learn to be safe near water. After coming here every weekend, summer after summer, transitioning from the baby pool to the big pool, to finally being able to go off the diving boards by myself, I can whole-heartedly say this pool watched me grow up. Even as I got older and began lifeguarding here, some of my biggest learning lessons and life skills have come from the Board of Directors. They have taught me how to be professional and fun, as well as communicate with peers and members alike. Although, every time I have fallen and made a mistake has not always resulted in something as simple as a scraped knee, there was always someone there to teach me how to learn from it. Whether it was a lifeguard giving me a Band-Aid, a freeze-pop and telling me to stop running when I was a child, to the BOD leading by example to instill a solid work ethic as a teenager, to teaching me how to correct clerical errors, handle delicate situations with peers, staff and members as a manager, to an advisor even helping me choose a career path and major in college as a young adult. I owe so much to the Pine Bluff community. As we approach the end of what I think will be my last season in the area, I can’t help but look back on some of the best times of my life: my first jump off the high dive, the first place I was allowed to go with no parental supervision, swimming in the rain with all the lifeguards and kids, swimming in the dark, an overnight or two, so many events and more friends, families and mentors than I can count. I want to give a big “THANK YOU!” to the Pine Bluff Community for being such a consistent place for me to play, grow, learn, and enjoy for the past two decades. I have truly loved this place my entire life and I could not imagine any aspect of my childhood without it! While I do not know where the future will take me, I don’t believe a summer will ever pass that I don’t think about Pine Bluff and long for the summers of my youth.
Anna McLean
Member - Lifeguard - Assistant Manager - Manager